
A Thousand Apologies Story

Some Like It Hot

Our first batch was made up of a hot, a hotter, and a hottest sauce. We knew we were onto something when demand from friends and family was hard to keep up with. When we created an almost unsauceable hot sauce, we soon realised there were a lot of really messed up people out there willing to suffer or see someone suffer.

And so came Thousand Apologies, and it’s only just the beginning. We’ve paired our hot sauces with to-die-for Australian Natives and sourced ingredients from local farmers and suppliers. We maintain a passion for making curious sauces with a focus on exceptionally good ingredients that are 100% Australian.

Photo: Cristoforo Colombo explorer, navigator and early discoverer of the capisicum chilli

For the crack addicts

Our hot sauces promise to bring out your inner cult addict; and we say that with almost no fanfare whatsoever.

The circular boom

Honestly, we’re not just jumping on the bandwagon here. Our roots are grounded in being a truly circular business.

Our glass bottles are the responsible kind – totally curbside recyclable. And if you return your used bottles for us to sterilise and reuse, we’ll gift you a hot sauce with your next order.

Our labels? Printed with compostable inks and a no-nonsense, non-toxic adhesive.

And that packaging? Dressed in recycled, FSC-certified materials with a touch of organic water and pigment-based inks. When you're done, it's a simple choice – compost or recycle in your home bins.

To complete the circular story, we now have locations for bottle returns visit this page to search our map for one near you.

Worthwhile for everyone

Each year, we commit to donating 1% of our profits to a chosen charity. Despite being relatively new (and recognising that our profits might not yet be substantial), this year, we're wholeheartedly supporting a cause that deeply resonates with us.

Did you know that every night, over 122,000 Australians face homelessness? That's more than the maximum capacity of the great MCG! And shockingly, a quarter of these individuals are between 12 and 25 years old. In Victoria alone, more than 7,600 young people experience homelessness every single night. No one should have to experience homelessness and we can all do something about it.

We're not only donating but we will also be sleeping at the 2024 Sleep at the 'G event hosted by Melbourne City Mission but also inviting our customers to join us in contributing to this meaningful cause.

If you would like to join us and donate you can donate directly to our fundraising page here and contribute what you can.

Image Credit: Concrete Playground

If you would like to suggest a charity for the next year please contact us here.

— Hot people like it hot — Hot people like it hot — Hot people like it hot — Hot people like it hot — Hot people like it hot